Saturday, April 14, 2012

How do you braid hair?

Medium to long hair works best for French braiding. A ponytail holder or elastic hair scrunchie is needed; hairspray and bobby pins are helpful, but optional.

Gather up the hair that falls in front of the ears when loose and hold in a ponytail at the top of the head. Divide it into three parts. Complete one section of a traditional "English" braid by crossing the right section into the center, the center to the right, the left to the center, and the newer center to the left (For more help, see braid).

Keeping two sections of one's braid in one hand, gather more hair from the same side as the section in one's other hand, and incorporate it into the section of hair one is braiding. Repeat this for the center section of hair, and the opposite section. A more gradual addition of hair increases the intricacy of the braid.

After adding extra hair and another English braiding round, repeat the third and fourth steps until all hair is gathered into the plait. Once that is achieved, continue with an English braid until meeting the ends of the strands of hair. Secure braid with elastic.

Or you could do what I do and just go to a hair salon and have some else go through all the trouble.

How do you braid hair?

i cant tell you id need to show you lol

How do you braid hair?

with your hands :P

no but really you interwine three sections of hair.

How do you braid hair?

Divide the hair into 3 sections. Pull the right side over and across the middle section, place between the left and the middle sections, and it becomes the new middle. Then fold the left side in, over and to the middle. keep on taking turns bringing the outside peices into the middle. There ya go.

How do you braid hair?

seperate the hair into 3 equal sections on the back of the head. while looking at the back of the head, pull the right section tight over the middle section; therfore, the right section now becomes the middle section and the middle section becomes the right section.

next, pull the left section of hair over the middle the left section of hair becomes the middle, and the middle (which was originally the right) becomes the left section of hair.

now, start over again...pulling the right section of hair over the middle section.....then, pull the left section over the middle section.

you will need to always have 3 distinct sections....the just change places on the head. i would try to practice on someone else if you can, or if you have to do it on yourself, do it with a small section of hair on the front of your head, where you'll be able to see it.

good luck, hope i didn't confuse you too was a lot harder to explain than i originally thought.

How do you braid hair?

It is very hard to explain what you need to do is get some to show you several times over I have taught lots of people this way, failing that you get three pieces like a plait then as you do the plait pull a small amount from one side plait then other side plait. Good luck

How do you braid hair?

How do you know they only have three month contracts? I'm sorry but you dont have an email. Who is Jacks new love interest. Please email me back via my Q %26amp; A page

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