Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

Just admit that you don't like to have your hair nappy. For those of you that say you do, why do your avatars have the afro or nappy pigtails avatars? Okay, I have nappy hair and I hate it. I don't find myself attractive with an afro, and obviously I'm not the only one. I don't see very many black women walking around with afros,in fact after the 70's, probably 20% or less black women actually have their hair natural by choice.

Most relax, press, or wear weaves %26amp; wigs to straighten out their hair. Also braiding to tame the naps. Why can't you guys stop lying? All races have things that they don't like about themselves, black women happen to have nappy hair and most don't like it. Just admit it. If it weren't true, why would their be so many black women I see that have straight hair?

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

You have a point. It depends on where you live. In the USA black women have been constantly told that our nappy hair is ugly and unfeminine so we've taught our daughters to perm their own hair.

Me personally, I like nappy hair now, but only in certain hairstyles. I would actually grow an afro, but i'd have to cut my relaxed hair off first and that would be too short.

As for my avatar, I have her hair to look the way mine does now.

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

You have issues. And I'm transitioning towards nappy hair right now and my yahoo mail does have an afro avatar. Why don't you just admit you have issues?

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

because you dont like yourself or your hair does not mean other persons dont either, speak for yourself.

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

Guess what? I also have nappy hair. My wife and i are happy to be nappy thank you very much. My wifes beautiful cloud of natural hair was one of the things that first attracted me to her.

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

Some like it, some don't. So everyone doesn't share your view. Get over it. Don't say everyone is lying just because they see things differently from you.

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

Yes, this question is every bit as bizarre as I thought it would be.

Why are you so angry about hair? Do you have nothing important in your life to worry about?


Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

I'm east indian and my hair=african hair...Just chill man or gal, let their avatars be whatever they want.

P.S. I don't mean to offend you.

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

I saw your other post on skin complexion and you have your own other issues. And you just contradicted yourself because you said " For those of you who say you do, why do your avatars have the afro or nappy pigtails..." Umm if someone LIKES having "nappy" hair why wouldn't they have an avatar that reflects that? About 99.9% of black women who relax their hair do it because it is easier to manage, not because they are trying to be something they are not.

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

Are you serious right now?!? To each is own. If a black woman doesn't like her hair nappy than that's her freakin' choice it has nothing to do with admitting anything or not. It's just that we have a choice to keep it nappy, get it permed, straighten it out, color, cut, braids, corn rolls or whatever it is that we want to do. Ok you have nappy hair and you don't like, sorry but the ones that do don't have to have afros to make you happy. I am an african american female and I am fortunate enough to have a very good grain of hair and it never gets out of control. And what's wrong with nappy hair anyway? Having nappy hair isn't bad!!

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

Different people like different things. My cousin has "nappy hair" and she gets it straightened because she can "manage" it. One of my cousins has "nappy hair" and she leaves her hair natural because she likes it that way. I don't know every Black women but I do know that it's their hair and they can do whatever they want.

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

Where in the world do you live? And are you truly a Black woman, I live in Northern California, over half the women at my church, (congregation is over 6,000 more than half are women) well, the majority have their hair in its natural state, stylishly short, braids, dreads, locks.

There's a handful of us, (like me) who still do the old fashioned straightening perm, I happen to like my hair, straight, due to the nature of my job duties, it is easier to maintain. When I retire, (in six years), I can't wait to allow my hair to be in it's natural state, I will do locks or dreads, probably dreads, I can't wait!! I am really jealous of the sisters who are able to wear their hair in it's natural God given condition.

Remember hair may be Nappy...but my soul is Happy!!!!

Peace be unto you, my sista!!

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

You done pushed my buttons the wrong way. Why don't you admit to the chemical burns you submit your scalp to every so often in the name of relaxing? Why don't you admit the amount of time and hassle you put yourself through every time you leave the house with red hot utensils? How many chemical burn scabs have you picked out of your head? How do you react in the rain? When is the last time you went swimming? When is the last time you burnt your ears with that curling iron?

If you have come to make peace with that, more power to you. But us natural women have nothing to "admit" to you. This society does not represent the beauty that is natural afro hair enough. Nor does it foster a knowledge of how to take care of it or style it so that it's pain free and easy. Us here who are natural have come to find that knowledge, and are living the care free life in regards with our hair. We are embracing the difficult process in learning to find beauty in something that society tells us there is no beauty in.

Leave us the heck alone, and let us live our lives. We have nothing to "admit" to you. If you don't like your hair whatever. But just because you have some serious self hate going on doesn't mean that everyone has to self hate with you.

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

Firstly your obviously not black because if you were you would know calling someone's hair nappy is rude, regardless of race. SOME blacks have a tighter curl pattern or kinky pattern to their hair than others. From your statement you have to be referring to AA(African Americans), because many blacks outside of the US do wear their hair naturally (many caribbean islands, UK, and in Africa seeing natural hair is the norm) and the reason AA may not wear their natural hair is obviously due to history. They were brought over here unwilling, forced to change their culture unwillingly, forced to change their religion unwillingly, all these things over hundreds of years lead to a pattern that many times is difficult to break, hence they have adapted to what was forced upon them and been tricked into believing they are inferior(including their hair)leading to a whole other stigma of good hair/bad hair(specifically directed at the chick who says she has a good grain of hair (as I roll my eyes)), lightskin/darskin, but I digress....think if ur ancestors were told to eat rice hundreds and hundreds of years even though they might have some religious angst towards, but if they didnt, would be tortured, beaten, separated even more from their family, and or killed, would it be okay for me to come on yahoo and ask ignorantly why japanese ppl dont just admit they love rice?

True compared to some people with less tighter curls some blacks hair might be more difficult to manage, but that by no means means we/I hate our/myhair. I love the fact that i can wear MY hair any way I want and there are very few if any other races out there who can say that! Hell in Japan they try to rock the afro I get naturally, in california, they dread their hair, and I'll be damned if every time i dont go to the islands i see another tourist usually white, getting their hair braided on the beach! The question should really be why do so many other people try to get their hair looking like many blacks?

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

you obviously don't have no hair (LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)--you have me dying of laughter--all this over some hair..........Girl what is your problem---a sistah must've burned you with a hot comb....LOL!

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

Who really cares, we can do with are avatars whatever we want, so get a life!!

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

i am black and my hair is natural curly, it's water wave and I love it so.....

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

you know not all black women have their naturally puffy and afro soem of them have a mix of nappy and AFRO= frizzy dark brown and those women are mostly from ethiopia or ertrea and sometimes some black women in america or the caribbeansn hav e good hair too and ur right people should admit it

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

Please speak for yourself. I like it both ways. If my hair is nappy all i have to do is brush it back and use water. thats it. and i think it looks cute. the only reason i wear a perm is so my hair can be tameable. other wise if i can wear a afro and not break any of my combs then yeah. i cant tell how many brushes and combs i broke because my hair was nappy. so either way im straight..

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

Why is this such a big deal to you??? Worry about your own nappy hair. I mean this question is absurd. If all that you can do is think of questions such as this then you really need a life. There are better and more important things to be worried about, and nappy hair isn't one of them. You have issues!!!

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

This question displays LLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOWWWW intelligence on your behalf! I am "happy to be nappy", and when I made my avatar a few months ago, I made it as close to my hair as possible. As for you, Oshihana, or whatever, stop trying to be something that you are not. You're pathetic and self-hating. I feel sorry for you. You're question is an embarrassment to black women. We all DO NOT hate ourselves as you do! Speak for yourself next time....

Why can't some black women on yahoo be honest about their hair?

My hair is not nappy. My aviator fits me because that's is how I have my hair.

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